Shower Refinishing

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

We have the solution to repair, reglaze, and refinish your surfaces on the spot!

Philadelphia Tub Reglazing

Shower Refinishing Service

Because showers and bathtubs are usually made of the same layers, we can do the same things to your acrylic shower surrounds, shower pans, shower and bathtub combination units, tile shower walls, and freestanding shower stalls.

Whether fixing a fiberglass shower, refinishing a shower stall, putting in an acrylic shower surround, or putting in tiles during a storm, our work will significantly reduce the damage caused by use. We aim to do quick, high-quality work for you that costs less than replacing your shower or tub.

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This is a type of affordable bathtub restoration that involves buffing down the paint and applying a new coat along with some protectant.


Bathtubs are installed in houses before walls are completed. As a result, when there’s damage at the end of the building process, it’s not always possible to replace the tub.


Do the tiles around your bathroom look so bad that you almost can’t stand to be in there with them? Was the color you chose super nice looking back in the day, but just hasn’t aged well at all?


If you are planning a bathroom makeover but don’t have the money to install new tile countertops, try an economical approach: Resurface your current tiles to give them an entirely fresh appearance.


When your bathroom or kitchen fixtures have become old and stained, replacing them might not be the only option. 

Reglazing and refinishing bathtubs, sinks, and tiles can be more cost-effective and less tiring solution. We provide the following services for homeowners:

Shower Repair & Resurfacing

To fix up a tub or shower, you must resurface the liner, which is just below the paint and above the acrylic glaze. It is essential to keep the liner layer in good shape because it makes the shower last longer.

If your shower needs to be resurfaced, we will remove the liner and all the top layers before fixing the damage. We recommend resurfacing a chipped shower because the suitable layer has already been exposed during the repair process. Since the shower liner keeps water from getting to the bottom layer, keeping it clean and in good shape is very important.

Shower Reglazing

But sometimes, old and worn-out showers have problems beyond the first two steps and must be reglazed. Most batteries and tubs with slight surface damage or flaws can be made much better by refinishing or resurfacing. A reglaze will help showers in bad shape and need a complete makeover.

Even though it takes a lot of work and chemicals, shower reglazing is cheaper than replacing the shower. If a reglaze is needed, we buff off all the layers of the shower and rebuild the framework, leaving you with a strong, solid, shiny shower or tub. It is so new that it’s almost brand-new!

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