
The Ultimate Bathtub Refinishing Cost Guide: Save Big on Your Bathroom Renovation

Are you fed up with looking at your old bathtub and wishing for a fresh look? You’re not alone. Many people are choosing to spruce up their bathrooms with bathtub refinishing instead of costly renovations. But before you start, it’s essential to understand the costs. In this guide, we’ll break down the prices for bathtub refinishing in 2024 and explain what factors affect how much you’ll pay. Visit for more details

Bathtub Refinishing Cost 2024

In 2024, refinishing your bathtub can cost between $300 and $600, but this can change based on a few essential things. Firstly, the type of bathtub you have, like porcelain or fiberglass, affects the cost because different materials need different treatments. Also, if your tub is more significant, it might require more materials and work, making it more expensive. Your tub’s condition matters, too; if it has a lot of damage, it might need extra repairs, costing you more money. Lastly, how you refinish it, whether it’s a traditional method or something newer like bathtub inlays, can change the final price. So, it’s essential to consider all these things when planning your bathtub refinishing project in 2024.

What Factors Affect Bathtub Refinishing Cost?

Several factors can influence the cost of refinishing your bathtub:

  • Material: Bathtubs come in various materials, such as porcelain, fiberglass, acrylic, and cast iron. The material of your tub can impact the cost of refinishing.
  • Size: Larger tubs require more materials and labor, which can drive up the cost of refinishing.
  • Condition: Your tub’s condition plays a significant role in determining the refinishing cost. Extensive damage or deep stains may require additional preparation, increasing the overall cost.
  • Refinishing Method: Different refinishing methods, such as bathtub inlays or traditional resurfacing, can affect the cost.

How you refinish your bathtub also influences the price. A bathtub inlay or a piece of laminate that covers the bottom of your tub

How you choose to refinish your bathtub can significantly impact the overall cost. Take, for instance, installing a bathtub inlay, a creative solution designed to conceal imperfections in your tub’s surface. These inlays, essentially laminates covering the bottom of your tub, offer a cost-effective method to rejuvenate your bathtub’s aesthetic appeal. However, it’s essential to note that while bathtub inlays excel at addressing minor imperfections, they may not be suitable for severely damaged tubs requiring extensive repairs. Therefore, when considering refinishing options, it’s crucial to assess your tub’s condition and select a method that fits your budget and your renovation goals.

Cost by Type of Tub

  • Porcelain: Refinishing a porcelain bathtub typically falls within the range of $300 to $600. Porcelain tubs are durable and resistant to stains, making them popular among homeowners. Refinishing can breathe new life into an old porcelain tub, restoring its glossy finish and extending its lifespan.
  • Fiberglass: Refinishing a fiberglass bathtub costs between $300 and $600. Fiberglass tubs are lightweight and affordable but can become dull or discolored. Refinishing can revitalize the surface of a fiberglass tub, making it look brand new again without the expense of replacement.
  • Acrylic: Acrylic tub refinishing costs vary slightly, ranging from $350 to $700. Acrylic tubs are known for their sleek appearance and easy maintenance. Refinishing an acrylic tub can address minor scratches or chips, restoring its smooth surface and luster.
  • Cast Iron: Refinishing a cast iron bathtub tends to be on the higher end of the price spectrum, ranging from $400 to $800. Cast iron tubs are prized for their durability and classic aesthetic. While refinishing a cast iron tub may require a more significant investment, the results can be stunning, transforming an old, worn-out tub into a focal point of the bathroom.

Cost by Tub Condition

  • Minor Damage or Stains: If your tub exhibits minor damage, such as surface scratches or small stains, you can typically expect to pay on the lower end of the price range for refinishing. Minor imperfections may require minimal preparation work, such as cleaning and sanding, before applying the refinishing materials.
  • Moderate Damage: Tub surfaces with moderate damage, such as deeper scratches, chips, or discoloration, may necessitate additional preparation work to achieve a smooth and even finish. This could include filling in chips, repairing cracks, or applying multiple layers of refinishing materials. As a result, refinishing a tub with moderate damage may incur a higher cost than minor repairs.
  • Severe Damage: More intensive refinishing techniques may be required for tubs with extensive damage or deep stains that have penetrated the surface. This could involve thorough cleaning, repairing structural issues, or stripping off previous refinishing layers before applying new coatings. The labor and materials involved in addressing severe Damage can considerably raise the refinishing cost. Your bathtub.

Cost by Refinishing Method

  • Traditional Resurfacing: Traditional resurfacing methods involve sanding down the existing surface of the bathtub, repairing any damage, and applying new coatings to restore its appearance. This process typically costs between $300 to $600, depending on the tub’s size, material, and condition. Traditional resurfacing is a versatile option suitable for many tubs and can effectively address minor to moderate damage.
  • Bathtub Inlays: Bathtub inlays offer a more budget-friendly alternative to traditional resurfacing. Inlay installation involves placing a durable laminate or acrylic panel over the existing bathtub surface to cover imperfections and provide a clean look. Bathtub inlays generally range from $200 to $400, making them an attractive option for homeowners looking to refresh their bathtub’s appearance without the expense of a complete refinishing job. However, it’s essential to note that while bathtub inlays can be an effective solution for minor surface damage, they may not be suitable for severely damaged tubs requiring extensive repairs.


When it comes to refinishing bathtubs, grasping the concept of costs involved is essential for planning your renovation budget. By considering factors such as your tub’s material, size, condition, and chosen refinishing method, you can get a clearer idea of how much your project will cost. Whether you opt for traditional resurfacing or explore innovative solutions like bathtub inlays, options are available to suit every budget. With the right approach, you can give your bathtub a new look without spending too much money.

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